People and Services That Can Help You
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Support from Hourglass
Hourglass provides the UK’s only dedicated Helpline for those experiencing (or concerned about) the harm, abuse or exploitation of older people. The Helpline is available 24/7. It’s entirely confidential and free to call from a landline or mobile and will not appear on your phone bill.
The helpline number is 0808 808 8141
Domestic Abuse
Police Scotland
Silent calls can be made to Police using 999. Call handlers will prompt callers to press 5.
Call: 01343 54 85 49
Visit us on Facebook – Moray Women’s Aid
LGBT Support
Men can seek advice by calling Mankind 01823 33 42 44 or Men’s Advice Line Call: 0808 801 0327 Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm
LGBT Support is available through LGBT Moray
Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline – 24 hrs, 365 days, with confidential translator service.
Call: 0800 027 12 34 (Freephone) Email:
Visit: Scotland’s Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline to chat online
Visit: Safer Scotland for advice on safety planning and deleting browsing history.
Scottish Women’s Rights Centre
If you are affected by abuse and need an urgent legal appointment, where you can receive tailored advice from a Solicitor
Call: 0808 801 0789
Visit: Scottish Women’s Rights Centre
Homelessness & Dementia
If you’re facing immediate homelessness
Call: 0300 123 45 66 (During Office Hours 8.45am-5pm) or Call: 0345 56 56 56 (between 5pm-8.35am, weekends)
Missing People with Dementia
The Herbert Protocol has been used many times to help police and other agencies quickly and safely locate missing people who have dementia. Find out more on the Police Scotland website.
Mental Health
Offers a service to those experiencing mental health difficulties. Call: 0800 234 2490 (Freephone)
Visit: Penumbra
Feeling down or depressed. Breathing Space can help if you need someone to talk to, experienced advisors will listen and provide confidential information and advice.
Call: 0800 83 85 87 (Freephone, available after 6pm )
Visit: Breathing Space
Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts. Also if you need support with helping someone you are worried about.
Call: 116 123 (Freephone, 24/7)
Visit: Samaritans
If you’re feeling low – you don’t have to hurt yourself or suffer in silence. If you’re in crisis or struggling to cope, follow the link to find out more about services which can help.
Visit: NHS Inform
Drug & Alcohol Support
Drug & Alcohol Support
If you’re struggling with Drug or Alcohol Issues, Arrows offers assessment and referral to services that meet your needs, as well as information, support and guidance.
Call: 01343 610 500
Text: 07812 228 547
Visit: Quarriers Arrows Service